Sigabaduru Solar Power Project

Sigabaduru Village: Sigabaduru: Sigabaduru  is a small PNG coastal village located 3km from Saibai Island. The village has a population of approx 300 people. The villag...

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Sigabaduru  is a small PNG coastal village located 3km from Saibai Island. The village has a population of approx 300 people. The villagers trade with many of the islands within the Torres Straits as they have traditional visitation rights.

My experience with the people of Sigabaduru has been positive, they are hard working tough people who love to share their traditional knowledge and stories with anyone. I am proud to say I have a very strong connection with the village of Sigabaduru as my youngest daughter was born there. It has been very hard for me to find historical information in regards to the village, but my plan is to continue to add information to this blog so the villagers have a written history on the web.

If you have any information you can add to this blog please contact me and I will add it to the posts. Below is a book I had found with several references about the village of Sigabaduru.


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